I’m Jared Carrizales, I craft digital legacies.

It’s not enough to simply grow traffic, most SEOs can do that. I believe it’s also my job to help that traffic convert.


I started in the digital marketing space in 2008, and have personally managed hundreds of campaigns for SMBs, e-commerce stores, and the Fortune 500.

Jared Carrizales side

About Me​

I certainly enjoy SEO, but I also make time to work on other personal and professional pursuits.

I also make an effort to speak at events throughout the year, as able. These typically revolve around marketing and remote work.

As much as I enjoy work, personal time has its place as well. Away from work, I enjoy playing tennis and competing in trivia nights with friends regularly.

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Years of Experience

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Countries Served

My Experience​

Throughout my career, I’ve been guided by two main objectives: bring value to website visitors, and do so ethically.

In 2008 I started my own website, having no clue what goes into that. I didn’t realize it at the time, but over the next two years, I would essentially give myself a crash course education in all things digital marketing.

Since then, I’ve been building layer upon layer of additional knowledge within my roles. This has resulted in working with companies and organizations like Elementor, DuWest Realty, St. Edward’s University, Southern Methodist University, Benzinga, and the Tulsa Chamber of Commerce.

After exiting my own agency in 2022, I would very much like to be part of a team again. Learning and succeeding with others is important to me personally, and doing that with a good company is very rewarding.


Fractional SEO Manager

For the majority of the last couple of years I’ve been helping clients make the most of their sites by managing their content marketing and SEO efforts, as well as expanding upon my speaking engagements from pre-covid.


Founder – Heroic Search​

I started Heroic Search as a full service agency, but shifted to link building a few years later. My main job consisted of campaign strategy, account management, and personnel.


SEO Strategist​

In my first agency role, I was in charge of developing strategies for several SMBs, as well as “in the trenches” optimization for the sites themselves.


Freelance Consultant​

Like most marketers, I fell into SEO by accident. This role began after I built my first website. I learned so much about SEO and digital marketing that I decided to monetize those skills.

Don’t Take My Word For It​

I’ve worked with some great people over the years. Here’s what some of them have had to say.

Publications and Interviews

It’s my belief that if you’re not participating in the SEO industry, you probably aren’t learning much. I try to make sure I’m always engaging with the community, as well as keeping my eye open for good content contributions. Making this a priority helps not only me, but my campaigns. Here are some past contributions that fall into that category.

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One of my favorite posts, I discuss the nuts and bolts of which link building tactics should be used in specific situations to have better results.

Raven Tools

I wrote this post to describe the relationship between agencies and vendors, and how it can be structured to benefit both parties.

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This was an interview during the peak of covid. The founder of Ranksey and I discussed team management and agency-side perseverance.


I typically speak at 3-5 events each year. The subject matters revolve around marketing, management, and remote work. Past organizations I’ve given presentations for have included SHRM, SM Tulsa, Rocks Digital, ASCENT, Blog Elevated, and more.

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